Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) is a national university program aimed at developing student competencies, consisting of various types of programs such as internships/work placements, independent studies/projects, campus teaching, student exchanges, research, entrepreneurial activities, humanitarian projects, and village development. MBKM serves as an important platform for students to de…
This study aims to determine the effect of Good Governance, Organizational Culture, and Leadership Style on the Performance of Government Agencies with Organizational Commitment as a Moderation Variable in Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in Riau Province Government consisting of, Inspectorate, DPRD Secretariat, Services, and Agencies. Data collection in this study was carried out by dist…
Agregat daur ulang merupakan alternative material untuk konstuksi bagunan di daerah yang terkena gempa bumi. Banyak material yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun tempat penampungan sementara. Agregat daur ulang dapat menjadi alternatif untuk campuran beton. Material berasal dari reruntuhan gedung ini banyak ditemukan di daerah terkena gempa bumi. Dalam penelitian ini, agregat daur ulang yang di…
ABSTRACT Rimbo Panjang irrigation area is potensial wet land area to be developed as agriculture area. Nowdous Rimbo Panjang sould not be cultiveted optimally because woter planing desnot work well. This reseach was conducted to evaluate exsiting the cross section capacity in the field, against the ability to flow disharge at rainy clays and to suqqest the available cross section of drain…